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Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Cybersecurity and Network Defense Research (CNDR)

Intrusion Detection Systems for Automotive Networks: Implementing AI-Powered Solutions to Enhance Cybersecurity in In-Vehicle Communication Protocols



As the automotive industry evolves towards increased autonomy and connectivity, the cybersecurity of in-vehicle communication networks has become a critical concern. Modern vehicles incorporate multiple interconnected electronic control units (ECUs) that communicate through various protocols such as the Controller Area Network (CAN), FlexRay, and Ethernet, forming complex networks that are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are pivotal in safeguarding these networks by identifying and mitigating malicious activities. This paper explores the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered IDS for automotive networks, specifically focusing on in-vehicle communication protocols like CAN and Automotive Ethernet. Traditional IDS methods have proven insufficient due to the evolving nature of attack vectors targeting vehicular networks, necessitating more advanced, adaptive, and scalable solutions. AI-powered IDS, leveraging machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) algorithms, have shown significant promise in detecting zero-day attacks and sophisticated intrusion attempts that bypass conventional rule-based detection systems.

This research provides a comprehensive analysis of the types of IDS applicable to automotive networks, including Signature-based, Anomaly-based, and Hybrid IDS, and emphasizes the growing preference for Anomaly-based IDS due to their adaptability and effectiveness against unknown threats. It discusses the architecture and operational principles of AI-based IDS, highlighting the role of supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms in detecting anomalies within vehicular communication protocols. Techniques such as Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forests, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, and Autoencoders are examined for their effectiveness in identifying deviations from normal traffic patterns, signaling potential intrusions. The paper evaluates these algorithms based on detection accuracy, false positive rates, computational overhead, and real-time processing capabilities, providing a critical assessment of their suitability for deployment in resource-constrained automotive environments.

Additionally, the study investigates the unique challenges associated with implementing AI-powered IDS in automotive networks, such as the high dimensionality of network data, latency constraints, limited processing power of ECUs, and the need for real-time detection and response mechanisms. The constraints posed by the bandwidth limitations of in-vehicle networks, particularly the CAN bus, are discussed, emphasizing the importance of lightweight and efficient algorithms. The potential of edge computing to complement AI-based IDS by providing distributed processing capabilities closer to the data source is explored, reducing latency and enabling real-time anomaly detection and response. Furthermore, the paper delves into the integration of AI-powered IDS with Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication systems, ensuring the security of data exchanged between vehicles and other entities such as infrastructure, pedestrians, and cloud servers. This integration introduces additional challenges, including data privacy, synchronization, and scalability, which are addressed with proposed architectural modifications and hybrid IDS models that combine centralized and decentralized detection techniques.

Case studies involving real-world vehicular networks are presented to illustrate the practical applications and effectiveness of AI-powered IDS in detecting and mitigating diverse attack scenarios, such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, message spoofing, and replay attacks. These case studies highlight the performance benefits of ML and DL algorithms in dynamic and high-risk environments, underscoring their potential to significantly enhance the cybersecurity of modern and future vehicles. The paper also examines the use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to simulate realistic attack scenarios and train IDS models to recognize novel attack patterns, enhancing their robustness against adversarial machine learning techniques.

Finally, this research outlines the future directions and opportunities for AI-based IDS in automotive networks, including the integration of federated learning to facilitate collaborative model training across distributed vehicular nodes without compromising data privacy. The evolving regulatory landscape and standards for automotive cybersecurity, such as the ISO/SAE 21434, are also considered, emphasizing the need for IDS frameworks that comply with these standards while maintaining flexibility and scalability. The paper concludes with a discussion on the ethical considerations and potential risks associated with deploying AI-driven solutions in critical safety systems, advocating for a balanced approach that prioritizes both security and safety in the automotive domain.


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