Machine Learning-Based Systems for Real-Time Traffic Prediction and Management in Automotive Development: Techniques, Models, and Applications


  • Rahul Ekatpure Technical Leader, KPIT Technologies Inc., Novi, MI, USA


Traffic prediction, Machine learning, Real-time traffic management, Intelligent transportation systems (ITS), Recurrent neural networks (RNNs), Convolutional neural networks (CNNs), Long short-term memory (LSTM), Reinforcement learning, Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication


Urban traffic congestion is a growing concern globally, leading to increased travel times, fuel consumption, and emissions. This research paper delves into the application of machine learning (ML) for real-time traffic prediction and management within the realm of automotive development. Our primary focus is on exploring advanced models, techniques, and their real-world implementations that demonstrably improve traffic flow and reduce congestion.

The paper commences by establishing the context of the problem. We delve into the detrimental effects of traffic congestion, encompassing economic and environmental costs, alongside the negative impact on public health and overall quality of life. Subsequently, we introduce the concept of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) as a potential solution framework. Here, we highlight the critical role of real-time traffic prediction in enabling proactive management strategies.

Next, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of ML techniques for traffic prediction. The paper emphasizes the strengths of various ML algorithms, particularly recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and their variants, such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. These models excel at capturing temporal dependencies within traffic data sequences, crucial for accurate short-term and long-term traffic flow forecasting. Additionally, we discuss the potential of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for analyzing spatial traffic patterns and extracting meaningful features from sensor data.

Furthermore, the paper explores the burgeoning field of reinforcement learning (RL) for real-time traffic management. RL offers a promising avenue for optimizing traffic light control and dynamic route planning based on predicted traffic conditions. We delve into the potential of RL agents learning optimal control strategies through interaction with the simulated or real-world traffic environment.

A critical aspect of this research is the integration of ML-based prediction models with real-world traffic management systems. The paper investigates the role of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication protocols in facilitating data exchange between vehicles, infrastructure, and centralized traffic management centers. V2X communication enables real-time collection of traffic data, including vehicle location, speed, and direction, further enriching the training datasets for ML models.

To solidify the theoretical framework, the paper presents a series of real-world case studies showcasing the implementation of ML-based traffic prediction and management systems. We delve into specific deployments, analyzing their effectiveness in reducing congestion and improving traffic flow. The case studies encompass diverse scenarios, including urban arterial roads, freeway networks, and multimodal transportation systems.

A critical analysis of the advantages and limitations of the presented techniques is an integral component of the research. While acknowledging the substantial benefits of ML-based traffic management, the paper also addresses challenges such as data quality and availability, computational resource limitations, and the need for robust security protocols within V2X communication networks.

The concluding section of the paper summarizes the key findings and underscores the transformative potential of ML for automotive development, particularly in tackling the growing challenge of traffic congestion. We outline promising research directions and highlight the significance of ongoing collaboration between researchers, engineers, and policymakers to develop and implement practical and scalable solutions for smarter and more efficient traffic management in the future.


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How to Cite

R. Ekatpure, “Machine Learning-Based Systems for Real-Time Traffic Prediction and Management in Automotive Development: Techniques, Models, and Applications”, J. Computational Intel. & Robotics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 6–23, Dec. 2021.