Characterization Of An Active Analyser For Recoil Neutron Polarimetry At High Energy

Characterization Of An Active Analyser For Recoil Neutron Polarimetry At High Energy


  • Abubakar Umar Lecturer, Federal College of Education, Kontagora, Niger State of Nigeria, Nigeria



recoil neutron polarimetry, Super BigBite Spectrometer, photomultiplier tubes


The paper ascertained the characterizing and commissioning of an active analyser for recoil neutron polarimetry at higher energy. The active analyser is a component part of the hadron arm of the Super BigBite Spectrometer at the Jefferson Lab, United States. The active analyser consists of thirty-two detectors, an EJ200 scintillator, ET9124 photomultiplier tubes and associated read-out electronics. Initial characterizations of the response to cosmic muons as well as simulation with proton and neutron in obtaining the absolute gain, time response and their efficiencies. The absolute gain and time response obtained were 5.3x108 and 4.86ns, which were within operational parameters respectively; also there is variation in the signal amplitude, signal pulse and noise amplitude for each of the thirty-two detector.  From the simulation results, the efficiencies of both cosmic muons and protons were around 0.8 and that of neutron were around 0.4. The variation in signal amplitude and noise level were due to interference from the background as well as loose in the optical grease between the detector and the PMT at resolution of 5ns which means that the detector can take a ray of 200mHz. Also, there are qualitative similarities between experimental and simulated results. Further study is warranted.


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How to Cite

Umar, A. “Characterization Of An Active Analyser For Recoil Neutron Polarimetry At High Energy”. Journal of Science & Technology, vol. 2, no. 1, May 2021, pp. 41-61,
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