Personalizing Customer Engagement with AI-Powered Customer 360 Solutions: Strategies and Applications for Industry 4.0


  • Vijay Srinivas Director, VIBHU IT Ltd, United Kingdom


Customer Engagement, Personalization, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Customer Intelligence, Customer 360 Solutions


In the era of Industry 4.0, businesses are increasingly turning to AI-powered customer 360 solutions to personalize customer engagement. This paper delves into the implementation of such solutions, exploring strategies and applications that leverage big data analytics, machine learning, and customer intelligence. By seamlessly integrating data from various touchpoints, organizations can deliver tailored experiences that enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. The abstract will provide insights into the importance and implications of personalizing customer engagement in Industry 4.0 ecosystems, highlighting key methodologies and technologies driving this transformation.


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How to Cite

V. Srinivas, “Personalizing Customer Engagement with AI-Powered Customer 360 Solutions: Strategies and Applications for Industry 4.0”, J. of Art. Int. Research, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 109–127, Jan. 2024.