AI-Driven Insights from Large Language Models: Implementing Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Enhanced Data Analytics and Decision Support in Business Intelligence Systems


  • Kummaragunta Joel Prabhod Senior Artificial Intelligence Engineer, StanfordHealth Care, United States of America


Large Language Models (LLMs), Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), Business Intelligence (BI)


The meteoric rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) has fundamentally reshaped text generation tasks. LLMs exhibit remarkable prowess in content creation, information retrieval, and various natural language processing applications. However, a critical hurdle to their broader adoption in data-driven domains like business intelligence (BI) lies in their inherent limitations concerning factual accuracy and knowledge grounding. This research investigates the potential of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) as a transformative approach for bolstering AI-driven insights gleaned from LLMs, ultimately leading to optimized decision support within BI systems.

We delve into the integration of RAG with LLMs, empowering them to access and effectively leverage pertinent information from external knowledge repositories. This newfound capability equips LLMs to generate data-driven reports that are not only informative but also grounded in factual evidence. Furthermore, RAG-powered LLMs can identify intricate trends and patterns within complex datasets, providing not just the "what" but also the "why" behind their insights. This intrinsic explainability fosters trust and transparency in the decision-making process.

The paper meticulously explores real-world applications of RAG-powered LLMs within BI systems. We train our focus on crucial tasks that underpin effective business operations, such as market analysis, risk assessment, and customer segmentation. Through rigorous evaluation, we assess the efficacy of RAG in augmenting the accuracy, reliability, and explainability of LLM-generated outputs. This translates to enhanced decision-making capabilities for organizations, empowering them to navigate complex business landscapes with greater confidence and precision.

In conclusion, this research contributes significantly to the advancement of AI-powered BI by elucidating the potential of RAG to bridge the critical gap between the current capabilities of LLMs and the ever-evolving demands of data-driven decision support. By leveraging the strengths of both retrieval and generation techniques, RAG paves the way for a future where LLMs serve as invaluable assets within the BI ecosystem, enabling organizations to extract actionable insights from the ever-growing ocean of data.


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How to Cite

Kummaragunta Joel Prabhod, “AI-Driven Insights from Large Language Models: Implementing Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Enhanced Data Analytics and Decision Support in Business Intelligence Systems”, J. of Art. Int. Research, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1–58, Aug. 2023.