Leveraging Biometric Authentication and Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Security in Identity and Access Management Systems


  • Leeladhar Gudala Software Engineering Masters, Deloitte Consulting, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Amith Kumar Reddy Senior Software Developer, The PNC Financial Services Group Inc, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
  • Ashok Kumar Reddy Sadhu Software Engineer, Deloitte, Dallas, Texas, USA
  • Srinivasan Venkataramanan Senior Software Developer – American Tower Corporation, Woburn, Massachusetts, USA


Identity and Access Management (IAM), Biometric Authentication, Blockchain, Decentralization, Security, Privacy, Cryptography, Smart Contracts, Scalability, Mitigation Strategies


The ever-expanding realm of digital interactions necessitates the development of robust Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems. Conventional password-based authentication mechanisms, while serving as the cornerstone for access control for decades, are demonstrably vulnerable to a plethora of cyberattacks, including phishing scams, credential stuffing, and brute-force attacks. This escalating vulnerability necessitates the exploration of more resilient authentication techniques. Biometric authentication, which leverages unique and measurable biological characteristics inherent to individuals, offers a significantly more robust solution compared to traditional password-based methods. However, concerns persist regarding the security of centralized data repositories that house biometric templates, as a data breach could compromise the entire system and render the biometric data unusable for future authentication.

This paper investigates the potential of integrating biometric authentication with blockchain technology to create a secure and decentralized IAM framework. Blockchain technology, underpinned by cryptography, distributed ledger systems, and a robust consensus mechanism, offers a paradigm shift in data management. By leveraging these attributes, blockchain technology can address the inherent limitations of centralized data storage in IAM systems. Integration with blockchain has the potential to bolster the security of IAM systems in several ways. First, blockchain's distributed ledger technology ensures immutability and tamper-proof data storage. Any modifications to the data ledger would be immediately detectable by all participants in the network, thereby significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized data alteration. Second, blockchain empowers users with greater control over their biometric data. By storing cryptographic hashes of biometric templates on the blockchain, rather than the raw data itself, user privacy is safeguarded. Users can then grant access to specific entities or applications through permissioned access control mechanisms. This decentralized approach eliminates the presence of a single point of failure, mitigating the potential consequences of a data breach.

Furthermore, this integrated approach offers the potential to streamline access control processes. Smart contracts, self-executing code stored on the blockchain, can be programmed to manage access privileges based on predefined rules and conditions. This not only reduces administrative overhead but also enhances the efficiency and accuracy of access control decisions.


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How to Cite

L. Gudala, A. Kumar Reddy, A. Kumar Reddy Sadhu, and S. Venkataramanan, “Leveraging Biometric Authentication and Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Security in Identity and Access Management Systems”, J. of Art. Int. Research, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 21–50, Sep. 2022.