Implementing DevOps Strategies within Cloud Computing Environments: Challenges and Solutions


  • Naveen Vemuri Masters in Computer Science, Silicon Valley University, Bentonville, AR, USA
  • Naresh Thaneeru Masters in Computer Applications, Kakatiya University, Bentonville, AR, USA
  • Venkata Manoj Tatikonda Masters in Computer Science, Silicon Valley University, Bentonville, AR, USA


DevOps, Cloud Environments, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), Security and Compliance, Emerging Trends


This study investigates the symbiotic link between DevOps and Cloud Environments, clarifying their Integration to improve software development processes. The exploration encompasses the foundational principles of DevOps, the adaptation of these principles in cloud setups, and the array of tools and technologies that fortify the collaborative, automated, and continuously evolving nature of DevOps in cloud environments. Additionally, the paper addresses the critical aspects of security, compliance, and the dynamic landscape of future trends, offering insights into the evolving software development paradigm.


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How to Cite

N. Vemuri, N. Thaneeru, and V. Manoj Tatikonda, “Implementing DevOps Strategies within Cloud Computing Environments: Challenges and Solutions”, J. of Art. Int. Research, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 13–36, Aug. 2022.